July 13,2013
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Alice Alsobrook.
The minutes of the previous meeting had been mailed. Dottie Schmoker moved that they be approved.
The motion was seconded by Lillian Coaksey and carried.
The Treasurer's report was read by Elsie Simmons. Lillian moved it be approved. The motion was
seconded by Mary Fitzgerald and carried.
Eloise Sweet read correspondence she had received: One member, a Mrs. Dimick, has passed away.
Also, a letter from Susan Hunter of Utah explained their inability to attend the reunion, and also answered
a question Eloise had asked regarding the web page. She had paid the fee of $56.
Nominations for officers for the coming biannium were opened Elsie Simmons nominated Dan Hess for Secretary. Eloise moved that nominations be closed and Dan was elected. Elsie was re-elected Treasurer by acclamation.
Eloise nominated Wilbur Killebrew for chairman. The motion was seconded by Allen Hess and carried.
Old business: Dottie moved that we reimburse Susan Hunter for the web page fee. Seconded by Tom
Fitzgerald and carried.
New business: The next reunion will be July 15-18. 2015. Bill (KY) Hunter will contact a cousin who
lives in Georgia to see if he would be willing to host the event.
Meeting adjourned.
Note: The "Dutch Boy" quilt was won by Dottie Schmoker and the "Tulip" quill was won by Reba
Elsie Simmons
Secretary pro tem