Dear Cousins,
Every year I get returned mail saying I do not belong to Hunter Family. So I want to explain why you receive these letters. A Cousin Bill Hunter who resides in KY has spent years researching the Hunter Family. He has compiled over 7000 pages of information. You may not know that you are on the Mailing List as maybe a relative turned in your name and address. Maybe you aren't interested but perhaps a son, daughter or grandchild maybe, if so please pass along the information.
I have taken excerpts out of Bill's information about the beginning which I will enclose. Bill has taken each of the 10 children of John and Barbara Hunter and trace their descendants.
About the Reunion, Bill will bring notebooks filled with the 7000 pages of information so that you can browse thru them making copies for you to take home. You're concerned that you won't know anyone? Well let me just say you'll find that its Family and you'll feel right at home. There is much visiting and getting know your family and exchange of stories. Bill has a remarkable memory and can tell you all about your relatives. This year the reunion is in a great area as it is close to Disney World, Sea World, and Universal Studios so these provided additional entertainment, a place for you to take your children or grandchildren .
Every mailing I get many letters returned. Perhaps someone has moved and forwarding address has expired. If you know of someone who did not get their letter send me e-mail so I can send or e-mail them the notice. Or you can enclose information with dues check and Elsie will let me know of the new address.
Oh yes and of course we need money to send out the 300 notices that contain 1200 copies of minutes and information etc. Dues are $30.00 every 2 years. Donations are accepted with a grin from ear to ear.
Treasury: Elsie Simmons, PO Box 400, Prineville, OR 97754.
Be sure to make your reservation by May 30. 2015 as the room rate will increase from$70. To $100 per night. Make reservation by PHONE 863-420-6611 be sure to ask for Hunter Reunion.
FOUR MILE , KY 40939
PHONE: 270344-0345
Johannes Jager, pronounced Yeager, the son of Heinrich and Ursula (Wurtz) Jager, residents of the village of Olsberg, Basel-Land Switzerland, was baptized in the parish church at Arisdorf, Basel-Land Weitaerland May 14, 1737.
On March 5, 1740 his grandparents, Heinrich and Maria (Heinimann) Jager, together with his parents, Henryand Ursula (Wurtz) Jager with their two children, Johannes and Heinrich Jager, were granted permission to immgrate from Switzerland (Staatsarchiv Basel, A II, folio 6), They left shortly after, traveled down the Rhine river from Basel to Rotterdam, Holland where they boarded the ship FRIENDSHIP and arrived at Philadelphia Rennsvlvania September 23, 1740.
In all records of Johannes Jager in Maryland he is called Johannes Jager or John Yeager. However, when he moved to Rockingham County Virginia in 1773 he adopted the English Hunter. In all records in Virginia, except the marriage bond of his son, John, in Rockingham County in May, 1781, he is called John Hunter, and is called John Hunter in all records in Tennessee. He signed the marriage bond of his son, John, as Johan Jager.
John married Barbara Bowman, daughter of Jacob and Varena (____) Bowman about 1760. The marriage was probably performed at or near the Bowman home on Plum Run, a branch of Conococheague Creek in present day Washington County Maryland. Plum Run is about 5 miles WSE of Hagerstown, Maryland.
John and Barbara (Bowman) Hunter were the parents of 10 children:
1. John, born at Plum Run, Washington County Maryland November 27,1762; married Elizabeth Osman.
2. Maria Susannah, born at Plum Run, Washington County Maryland 1764; married David Robinson.
3.. Jacob, born at Pllum Run, Washington County Maryland March 16, 1766; married Ann Clark.
4. Henry, born at Plum Run, Washington County Maryland 1768; married Barbara Bollinger.
5. Abraham, born at Plum Run, Washington County Maryland, September2 1771; married Mary Marks.
6. Christiana born at Plum Run, Washington County Maryland May 20, 1774: married Robert Frier. (Fryer)
7. Catherine, born at Linville Creek, Rockingham County Virginia Ocxtober 27, 1776; married John F Bewley.
8. Joseph, born at Linville Creek, Rockingham County Virginia February 22, 1779; married (1) Sarah Linville; (2) Sarah Kimbrough.
9. Barbara, born at Cherokee Creek, Washington County Tennessee May 28, 1784; married Henry Ruble.
10. 11. Isaac, Born at Cherokee Creek, Washington County Tennessee 1786 ; married (1) Sarah Sites, (2) Elizabeth Kiger.