Some of the Hunter Cousins at the 2000 Memorial Service for John and Barbara.
The last reunion was in Georgetown, Kentucky, 10 - 14 July 2013.
The next reunion will be in Davenport, Florida, July 8-11, 2015 .
A database of living descendants is available at This is a password protected site because it has personal information, e.g.: names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses. For information about access, contact Jim Hunter, LaGrange, Wyoming (801-404-0644).
Reunion Meeting Minutes from June 2011.
Hunter Family Newsletters 2002-2006. .
Pictures from the 2004 Reunion.
2000 Reunion with reunion pictures linked.
The webpages for the descendants (most living individuals have been excluded) of John Hunter.
Picture of the John Hunter home site in Washington County.
This page was created by Jim Hunter, and last updated on 5 July 2015.